Voiceover Artist and Poet

So, I grew up in front of the mirror just repeating my name.  I have always said, "What's in a name?"  Everything!  Hi, I am Andrea Mills.  I am a poet, speaker, writer and above all, Me!  I have ups and downs, smiles and frowns. I have good days and bad, I even know that I have wishes that some people never ever dream to have.  But today, I wish for you to share my dream!
I first started my website in 1999, which is unbelievable to me!  Not much has changed for me because the alphabet still goes from A to Z... I am a writer!  I write personalized poetry for weddings, graduations, tributes and memorable moments. 

I also write resume's and speeches, and each time I do,  I learn that words really do add that special touch.  So for me, this is going to be so much fun. Come and go with me into the world of voiceover and poetry.

Listen to see how much fun I am having!


Speaker, Poet, and Voiceover Talent